jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015


I introduce you finally my CLIL unit. This unit offers rich linguistic environment and cross curricular opportunities in English, science and art that can really excite and engage young learners. It is designed to be implemented in kindergarten in the English class.Students will work on different skills while they are exploring the life cycle of a pumpkin.

The students will work on different cognitive processes, retelling, organizing ideas, sequencing , predicting, analyzing drawing conclusions. Some of the activities they will complete are: KWL chart, graphic organizers to describe pumpkins. listen and read an informational text and sequence the life cycle of a pumpkin.  

The students will listen to an informational text about the process of how a pumpkin grows.
 In addition an art project is included too!

The final task will be the completion of a research project using the five senses.
I have also created a great variety of online resources to practice at home.

It is a very complete unit that provides an adequate scaffolding with videos, songs and flashcards to practice pronunciation. It contains a great variety of activities and a final task where the students will be researchers.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015


After so many effort and time-consuming work, here you have the whole CLIL unit


Why do I use these resources?

Some of the reasons to use the resources in my CLIL unit are:

-The video is used to introduce the topic, create discussion and activate previous knowledge. I consider it as a reception scaffolding because the students understand the content we are going to work on in an attractive and motivating way
-Flashcards are used to introduce and practice new vocabulary. They are made up of written words to learn how to read and write the new vocabulary words. I consider it as reception scaffolding because are visual aids that let student to understand the new vocabulary.
-Tracing Worksheet to practice handwriting of the new vocabulary and this way include the writing skill. I consider it as transformation scaffolding
-KWL chart to activate previous knowledge, to set and be aware of the objectives we have to achieve and create discussion.
-Song to practice pronunciation of the new words
-Read aloud story to get reading comprehension, learn language in context, to improve cognitive skills such as predicting, sequencing and retelling
Graphic organizer about pumpkins to build new vocabulary adjectives
Graphic organizer pumpkin chart to organize ideas and practice linguistic structures.
Art project- to practice the life cycle pumpkin sequence with the art subject integration and also decoration for the classroom in Halloween
-Sequence cards to understand and analyze the sequence of the pumpkin life cycle. The use of visual aids are indispensable in an AICLE class
Manipulative game to review vocabulary the parts of the face, show scaffolding,
-Interactive games to practice at home to review vocabulary and content
-Song five senses review the parts of the body, the senses, review pronunciation, receptive scaffolding
Pumpkin observation booklet-scientific investigation with guided questions and record their observation. It is proposed as a final task in order to provide significant learning and critical thinking.
All of the online resources could be posted in the blog to practice at home every day. Students can review the video, the song, interactive games with their parents.

Preparación unidad AICLE

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015


Hi there,
I 've created a webmix with Symbaloo around the topic I am working this month to prepare a didactic unit about pumpkins, since we are so excited that Halloween is almost here!! I included songs, videos stories, rhymes for preschoolers and kindergartens. I've also added interesting material from Pinterest such as crafts activities and booklets  and fun games to engage and motivate my students.
Here is my webmix

Identificación de aspectos metodológicos AICLE

Hola a todos, 
Voy a analizar la unidad didáctica, Spain my country, que se encuentra en el banco de recursos de la Junta de Andalucia. Esta adiseñada por   y sus destinatarios son alumnos de sexto de primari
En la unidad se exponen claramente los objetivos, contenidos y criterios de evaluación al igual que las funciones comunicativas y el vocabulario utlizado. El andamiaje y la progresión de contenidos es adecuada. Las actividades que lo evidencian son: Braistorming sobre el vocabulario necesario, classify words into general labels. Repaso de adjetivos comparativos y superlativos... Me gusta la unidad porque incluye una tarea final que es la realización de un powerpoint. Sin embargo ,no señala nada sobre el proceso de la tarea, como se va a realizar ni cuando.Si para hacerlo van al computer lab o tienen ordenadores en clase.
Contiene un material complementario con un powerpoint con sonido donde los alumnos pueden escuchar la correcta pronunciacion de las palabras, algo que me parece fundamental en un aula AICLE.
Tambien se usan las TIC en la unidad, como la visualizacion de un video. No obstante, no aparece que video es ni la fuente del video.
Además contiene dos autoevaluaciones, una sobre el contenido y otra sobre la lengua.
En cuanto a la licencia de las imágenes, el autor expone que son imágenes sacadas de google aptas para su reutilización pero no dice la fuente. Yo cuando tengo que publicar algo tengo muchos problemas con las licencias de las imágenes. Estoy interesada no solo en la búsqueda de imágenes sino tambien de vectores, clip arts y dibujos en blanco y negro libres de copyright o que pueda utilizar sin problema. Por si alguien me puede ayudar.
Un saludo a todos
Rocio Martinez

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015


Hello everyone!
This is one of my blogs that I made two years ago when I was teaching third and forth grade in a public school in Palencia. Now I am working in an elementary school in Miami, Florida US.
I am going to reuse this blog for this CLIL professional development course.
I hope we enjoy learning new things. Actually the first thing I have learnt is to do presentations with Powtoons.